Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The Economics Department at the University of Portsmouth has over 30 members of staff engaged in teaching and research.

The Department is committed to the provision of high quality teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels attracting students from the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. All of our degree courses have been carefully designed to ensure that students graduate with the skills that best meet their preferred career ambitions.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in volunteering and work experience placements that give them the opportunity to significantly further their career prospects. We also offer students the ability to diversify in other key disciplines such as law, accounting and also languages through the University?s Institution-wide Language Programme (IWLP).

There are strong affiliations to the local community and much of our research informs policy making in Local or National Government as well as the European Union, United Nations and OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Our key research group CEMARE (Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources) generates research funds in excess of £700,000 per year.

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